Old Bridge C.A.P.E.S. is committed to ensuring that partisan politics plays no part in the decision-making process of the Old Bridge Board of Education

Our Mission

Our bipartisan organization is committed to fostering a balanced, safe, and inclusive learning environment within the Old Bridge Township Public Schools. Through advocacy, education, and strategic support, our main goal is to promote Board of Education candidates who prioritize moderation and constructive dialogue in policymaking. By endorsing candidates who champion evidence-based solutions and bridge-building initiatives, we seek to combat political extremism and promote a culture of cooperation and respect. Our mission is to ensure that the voices of moderation are heard and valued, fostering a community where diverse perspectives are celebrated, and students are empowered to engage critically and responsibly to ensure their success.

Our Process

OB C.A.P.E.S. will reach out to all candidates and offer our endorsement questionnaire after the Middlesex County clerk’s office announces the candidates for Old Bridge Board of Education. We will then schedule interviews for all candidates who have returned the questionnaire and who wish to seek endorsement. All candidates who wish to seek endorsement, and who meet the C.A.P.E.S. endorsement criteria, will be considered for endorsement. At the end of August, all C.A.P.E.S. members (both voting members and associate members) will meet to discuss the candidates. Afterwards, C.A.P.E.S. voting members will choose who, if any, candidates will be endorsed by C.A.P.E.S.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is C.A.P.E.S. bipartisan or non-partisan?

C.A.P.E.S. is a bipartisan organization. The voting members of Old Bridge C.A.P.E.S. are equal numbers registered Republican and registered Democrat, as our Constitution and by-laws mandate. Partisan politics is here to stay (for good or for bad), but the members of C.A.P.E.S. believe that when it comes to the Board of Education, partisan politics should be set aside completely.

Will C.A.P.E.S. endorse candidates from both political parties?

Yes, but we are less focused on the candidates’ political affiliations as we are on their commitment to make decisions based on the needs of the students of Old Bridge, and not on a particular political ideology. In short, a candidate’s political affiliation is irrelevant to us. Only their past actions and future commitments matter.

Does C.A.P.E.S. have any endorsement criteria?

Yes, we do. The following automatically disqualify a candidate from consideration of C.A.P.E.S. endorsement:

  1. Felony conviction

  2. Felony arrest with disposition unknown/undetermined

  3. Conviction of any crime related to schools, children, or betrayal of the public trust

  4. Arrest for any crime related to schools, children, or betrayal of the public trust with disposition unknown/undetermined

  5. Sustained ethics violations (“Sustained” will be defined as determined to be founded by an authoritative body)

  6. Lawsuits involving serious or sexual misconduct where allegations are sustained or unresolved.

Are there any criteria for voting members of C.A.P.E.S.?

Yes! Voting members may not be:

  1. Current elected officials of Old Bridge Township

  2. Sitting members of the Old Bridge Board of Education 

  3. Sitting officers of the Old Bridge Education Association

  4. Sitting members of the Old Bridge Township Public School Administration

  5. Anyone who is employed by or has a financial interest in any company contracted by the Old Bridge Public Schools including, but not limited to, Aramark.

In addition, voting members must recuse themselves if:

  1. They actively run for any elected position within Old Bridge Township

  2. A member of their household, immediate family, or extended family actively runs for office in the OB Board of Education